* Step One: Shampooing
* Step Two: Conditioning
* Step Three: Moisturizing
* Step Four: Relaxing
* Step Five: Maintaining your mane
Step One: Shampooing

Selecting A Shampoo
When selecting a shampoo look for one that is made for dry, damaged, chemically treated hair. The shampoo should not be a "conditioning" shampoo either because the added conditioner will lessen the cleansing effect. The shampoo shouldn't lather up a lot either because shampoos with this much soap are very harsh.
Shampooing Relaxed Hair
When shampooing the hair wet the hair completely as if you were rinsing it out. Next apply the shampoo and gentle massage the scalp with your finger tips for about 3-5 minutes. Rub the shampoo gentle through your hair and rinse all traces of shampoo. One lathering should be sufficient unless you had major buildup which in this case you can shampoo twice. Do not wash your hair until it is "squeaky" clean because this will strip the oil from your hair and make it dry and brittle.
Step Two: Conditioning

Choosing a Conditioner
When selecting a conditioner you should choose one that contains protein to help repair and strengthen hair, oil to help soften, lubricate and seal in moisture, and a stimulate such as tea tree oil that will stimulate the scalp.
Weekly Conditioning
After you have shampooed your hair and rinsed it apply an ample amount of conditioner to your hair from root to tip paying close attention to your ends. Place a plastic cap over your hair and sit under a warm dome dryer for a minimum of 20 minutes to allow the conditioner to penetrate the hair shaft. Next rinse the hair until it is free from all traces of conditioner with lukewarm water. Then towel blot the hair gently.
Step Three: Moisturizing
Choosing a Moisturizer
A good moisturizer should not contain protein because although protein is good for your hair it will dry your hair out and cause breakage when left in the hair. The moisturizer should contain a humecant such as glycerin or sobitol which helps attract moisture to our already dry hair. The moisturizers first ingredient should be water and it should also contain some type of oil to seal in the moisture.DO NOT use a moisturizer that contains mineral oil, petroleum, or parafinium liquidum!This ingredient actually inhibits the absorption of moisture in our hair.
Moisturizing After a Shampoo
After conditioning your hair and towel blotting it apply the moisturizer to your hair while the hair is still damp paying close attention the ends. Comb the moisturizer through your hair with a wide tooth comb for even distribution.
Moisturizing Daily
Daily moisturizing is essential for optimum hair growth. Our hair is naturally dry so to prevent hair breakage moisture must be constantly applied. You should moisturize your hair daily paying close attention to your hair ends. DO NOT apply the moisturizer to your scalp because the scalp does not need to be moisturized or oiled. Your scalp produces enough natural oil(sebum) which is sufficient. Your hair needs the moisture not your scalp. Moisturize your hair at least twice a day.
Step Four: Relaxing
Choosing a Relaxer
There are thousands of relaxers on the market today for African American women to choose from. I recommend that you use a no-lye relaxer, but there are only two no-lye relaxers on the market that I will recommend.
Relaxing the Hair
If you do not know how to relax your hair I strongly advise for you to seek out a trained hair stylist to relax your hair properly. Make sure she uses a neutralizing shampoo immediately after relaxer and then conditions your hair for 20-30 minutes. Do not let the hair stylist clip your ends or dry your hair with a blow dryer. If she/he does anything that you don't agree with SPEAK UP! It's your hair and it's your job to protect it.If you relax your own hair be sure to follow the instructions exactly and avoid overlapping of the relaxer on your hair. It is difficult to relax the back of your own head so I strong advise using protective cream,a relaxer/dye brush, and a mirror or going to a professional.
Step Five: Maintaining your mane

These next couple of tips will help you maintain your hair to avoid breakage and reach your hairs maximum
growth potential:
1. Sleep on a satin pillow case or wear a satin bonnet or scarf at night.
2. Comb your hair with a wide tooth comb beginning at the ends and working your way up to the roots.
3. DO NOT grease or oil your scalp.
4. Do not wear your hair in a ponytail all the time. This causes breakage from the tension.
5. Do not get your ends clipped for a whole year.
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